Biel’s flowers

Edition 3 ver=0.2 build two

A survey of Biel’s wildflowers and a look into their propensity to germinate

Map of survey locations

Onobrychis viciifolia, a bee and a spider on a railway berm

Contents I found the idea of urban biodiversity fascinating and I wanted to explore what plants grow in the “habitat” of Biel / Bienne. Through the course of the surveys, I collected seeds which were used alongside native wildflower seeds from a local organization in a simple germination experiment on native wildflowers. The first two chapters of this report review the results of the surveys and the germination experiment. The final chapter make some concluding remarkts.

About the author 🍁 Currently enrolled as a master student at the Oeschger Center for Climate Change Research at the Universität Bern, I previously worked in international development and studied economics and obtained the first level Bellis certificate from the Swiss Botanical Society in July 2021.

Special Thanks 🍂 This project was done in collaboration with Port 34 (Equipe Volo at the time) and hammerdirt. A big thank you to Julia Bäuerlein for advice and knowledge about the horticulture of local wildflowers and to hammerdirt, without whom the analysis and presentation of the data would not have been possible.

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