4. Bibliografie¶
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Christophe Bornand, Stefan Eggenberg, Andreas Gygax, Philippe Juillerat, Michael Jutzi, Bridgitte Marazzi, Adrian Möhl, Sibyl Rometsch, Lionel Sager, and Helder Santiago. Regionale rote liste gefässpflanzen. Technical Report, Info Flora, 2019. URL:
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Christophe Bornand, Stefan Eggenberg, Andreas Gygax, Philippe Juillerat, Michael Jutzi, Adrian Möhl, Sibyl Rometsch, Lionel Sager, and Helder Santiago. Liste rouge plante vasculaires. espèces menacées en suisse. Technical Report, Office Fédérale de l'Environnement, 2016. URL:
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Dominik Ganser, Eva Knop, and Matthias Albrecht. Sown wildflower strips as overwintering habitat for arthropods: effective measure or ecological trap? Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 275:123–131, 2019. URL:, doi:
- HTS+19
Jan Habel, Robert Trusch, Thomas Schmitt, Michael Ochse, and Werner Ulrich. Long-term large-scale decline in relative abundances of butterfly and burnet moth species across south-western germany. Scientific Reports, 2019. URL:, doi:10.1038/s41598-019-51424-1.
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Anna Oldén, Tinja Pitkämäki, Panu Halme, Atte Komonen, and Kaisa J. Raatikainen. Road verges provide alternative habitats for some, but not all, meadow plants. Applied Vegetation Science, 24(3):e12594, 2021. URL:, arXiv:, doi:
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Peter H. Raven and David L. Wagner. Agricultural intensification and climate change are rapidly decreasing insect biodiversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021. URL:, arXiv:, doi:10.1073/pnas.2002548117.
- Rog00
D. Rogers. Genetic erosion, no longer just an agricultural issue. Native Plants Journal, 5(2):112–122, 2000. URL:, doi:
- SODM11
Thomas Sattler, Martin K. Obrist, Peter Duelli, and Marco Moretti. Urban arthropod communities: added value or just a blend of surrounding biodiversity? Landscape and Urban Planning, 103(3):347–361, 2011. URL:, doi:
- Veg20
K. Vega. Maintaining wildflower diversity in cities. 2020. URL:
- VCG+13
Pascal Vittoz, Daniel Cherix, Yves Gonseth, Verena Lubini, Ramona Maggini, Niklaus Zbinden, and Silvia Zumbach. Climate change impacts on biodiversity in switzerland: a review. Journal for Nature Conservation, 21(3):154–162, 2013. URL:, doi:
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David L. Wagner, Eliza M. Grames, Matthew L. Forister, May R. Berenbaum, and David Stopak. Insect decline in the anthropocene: death by a thousand cuts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021. URL:, arXiv:, doi:10.1073/pnas.2023989118.
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- WMvS+21
Martin S. Warren, Dirk Maes, Chris A. M. van Swaay, Philippe Goffart, Hans Van Dyck, Nigel A. D. Bourn, Irma Wynhoff, Dan Hoare, and Sam Ellis. The decline of butterflies in europe: problems, significance, and possible solutions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021. URL:, arXiv:, doi:10.1073/pnas.2002551117.
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